I have a soft spot for old school wheels. So coming across a set of OZ F1’s splits from 1996 made me owner of another set of wheels 🙈. The wheels are in desperate need of some love, and I will try to do some prep work like fixing curb rash before sending them to the powder coater.
The first step is disassembling the heart from the wheels, by removing the 17 bolts each wheel has. As it turns out OZ Racing uses its own specific type of 10 star bolts for all of it’s split wheels. They are an oddball size to find a socket for. After some heavy searching I found an old post on stanceworks of somebody with the same issue and a link to what supposed to be the right tool to remove this bolt type. Ordering was a wild guess, but it turned out great as the socket indeed fits. I made my first spoken YouTube video showing the tool, hope you like it!
Click here to go to the German shop that sells the correct socket.
Roberto Ferla
Salve, la chiave funziona nche sui miei OZ modello michelangelo?
Ciao Roberto, scusa per il ritardo nella risposta. Non so se i bulloni della OZ Michelangelo sono gli stessi della F1.