I read quite some different opinions when it comes to spigot rings on car forums. Some say they are not needed, others say not running them can be lethal. Here’s my opinion.
I think there is a reason OEM wheels come with a center bore that matches the wheel hubs. With a matching center bore the wheels will rest or ‘center’ on the hub. Where the nuts or bolts will hold the wheel in the place, the hub will ‘carry’ the weight of the wheel. I’m not really interested if I should or should not use spigot rings. When modifying a car I believe you should always go for the best possible option and in this making a wheel center on your hub is the best solution.
This is also the reason why I don’t use plastic spigot rings anymore. Now that I switch wheels more often it becomes obvious the hub and wheel are forces a plastic spigot cannot handle. Therefor I now only use aluminium or steel spigot rings, the last mentioned being the ideal solution as they are the strongest.
So are are you’re aftermarket wheels centered on the hub? Let me know in the comments below!
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